Strategic Communications and GR ru
Eng +996 770 700 300 Услуги NLC является одной из самых передовых экспертных организаций в Кыргызской Республике и СНГ, оказывающих юридические услуги в области инноваций, внедрения цифровых технологий, цифровой трансформации, ориентированных на разработку и внедрение инновационных технологий в правовую…
VIII Центрально-Азиатский форум по управлению интернетом: «ЦИФРОВЫЕ ГОРИЗОНТЫ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ: Инновации, Безопасность и Развитие»
Strategic Communications and GR
Ru +996 770 700 300 Mail: Services NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the…
Accounting and taxation
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
Russian ContactUs Services NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the development and implementation of innovative…
Digital business transformation
WHAT WE OFFER: Prevention — we conduct comprehensive cybersecurity audits, IT audits Investigation — we collect digital evidence and reconstruct the picture of cyber incidents/attacks (unauthorized access, data deletion/modification, detection of penetration and malware infection) Training — we enhance the…
Protection of personal data
Corporate law
Our lawyers provide comprehensive and qualified assistance in corporate law, helping organizations to understand the complex legal aspects of governance, structuring and functioning of companies. We offer assistance in drafting and reviewing corporate documentation, including charters, regulations and minutes of…