+996 770 700 300

Law. Technology. Security. Your formula for digital excellence

We combine legal expertise with technological innovation and strive to be a leader in the digital transformation of legal services.

Stakeholder Interaction & GR Support

Policy Design

Strategy & Digital Transformation

Commercial law solution

National Legal Corporation

National Legal Corporation (hereinafter — NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law. We specialize in various areas of law including corporate law, tax law, telecommunications, digital law, personal data protection, cybersecurity, media, intellectual property law and other key areas.

Our Services

We are think tank for Central Asia, we have deep expertise for Strategic Communications and GR

Our team consists of top lawyers and experts in the fields of privacy, security, technology, telecommunications, and other related areas.

Corporate practice

Stakeholder Interaction & GR Support

Our corporation offers stable and reliable contacts with all key stakeholders and decision-makers in governmental bodies of Central Asian countries. Our team members actively participate in various expert councils under governmental bodies and advisory working groups.

Our corporation initiates and organizes various international and national forums and conferences on digital regulation, which are attended by key stakeholders and representatives of key government bodies.

Policy Design

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-lessOur team has successfully supported key legislative reforms in the field of digital development in the CIS countries based on our unique expertise and competencies. We have knowledge of the strategic directions of public policy and regulation of digital technologies and telecommunications in Central Asia, the Caucasus countries, Moldova, and Ukraine. Our team members have served as key developers of various national programs of national programs on the development of information communication technologies and digital transformation, national programs on cyber security and drafting of individual laws.

Our team has the skills and methodologies to conduct various research and analyze data. We conducted a study of Kyrgyz society's values, based on which we developed strategic development programs for the Kyrgyz Republic. We conducted cybersecurity assessments of critical infrastructure in Serbia, Kosovo and Georgia, based on which various cybersecurity programs were developed.

The corporation's team has developed and successfully implemented more than 30 laws in the field of telecommunications, personal data protection, electronic signature, electronic data exchange management and other innovative and significant for the rights of citizens.

Professional legal defense

The Corporation renders services on representation of interests of legal entities and individuals in courts. The services are a set of legal services aimed at achieving the results set by the client in resolving civil, criminal, economic and other disputes in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts

Participation in litigation is an important component of the Corporation's activities and covers all categories of commercial disputes, criminal cases against individuals, as well as the resolution of disputes during elections to various levels of government.

The Corporation's lawyers have participated in more than 10 thousand lawsuits during the period of their activity, and the decisions in favor of the clients' interests are more than 90 percent.

Lawyers of the Corporation represented in court the interests of more than 20 candidates for deputies to the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic during the election campaign. The Corporation represented in court the interests of media editors and journalists in connection with claims by government agencies to close down media outlets, protect honor and dignity, and compensate for moral damage.

Corporate legal support

The Corporation provided legal support for 10 years to N. Urmanbetov Arpa OJSC, a large national beverage enterprise.

During 12 years the Corporation supported the activity of "Bakai" Joint Stock Company

Educational institutions Medical Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic and International University of Kyrgyzstan have been regular clients of the corporation for 15 years.

Price Yoterhouse" consulting company was consulted by the Corporation on establishment of representative office in the Kyrgyz Republic, provided legal support for 5 years.

The Corporation provided consultations and services on project preparation for a large German company on delivery of road equipment for repair and restoration of highways.

For more than 10 years, the Corporation provided legal support to a South Korean corporation in the Kyrgyz Republic, including in the CIS countries for the supply of heavy equipment and production of construction materials.

"Your Lawyer" program of legal support for citizens

The Corporation has developed a special program of legal support for citizens "Your Lawyer". The program is built on the principle of profitability of receiving by the clients of the Program of guaranteed legal assistance at any time and within the territory specified in the contract.

Within the framework of the program of the corporation "Your Lawyer" offers legal services to citizens, in order to protect their rights and interests, on the basis of a subscription fee, which includes on a permanent basis access to the following legal services:

- oral advice or formalized in writing with reference to laws and other legal acts;

- harmonization of all the client's documents of title in accordance with the requirements of the law;

- preparation and drafting of documents necessary for appealing against acts and decisions of state authorities;

- legal audit of personal documents;

- representation of the client's interests in state and other organizations;

- representation in court on appeal against acts, decisions, acts of state bodies;

- representation in law enforcement agencies and other legal services upon request.


The Corporation represented the interests of a leading Swedish telecommunications company in the procedure of registration, obtaining licenses in the field of telecommunications and establishing a company in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During 10 years, the Corporation provided full legal support for the activities of the telecommunications company OSO Asia Info.


Here you will find up-to-date information on events and developments in digital resilience and cybersecurity. Subscribe to our Telegram channel “Digital Rights in Central Asia” to learn about technologies, “read” legal documents and keep abreast of the latest events and trends.

International organization for the protection of copyrighted content established

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Uzbekistan and South Korea create alliance in IT-business sphere

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VIII Central Asian Internet Governance Forum

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We work with organizations of all sizes to provide them with the most relevant solutions to achieve their goals in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

About Us

Our company - National Legal Corporation (hereinafter - NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law.

Contact Info

National Law Corporation (NLC)

79 Ryskulova str.-B 3rd Floor Office No.13

720001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Phone number: +996 312 54 04 40; +996 770 700 300


Copyright c 2022 All rights reserved by NLC