+996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg


NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the legal sphere.

Cybersecurity and IT audit

We provide independent IT audit services and independent assessment of the effectiveness of implementation or development of IT solutions from the best experts in cybersecurity, cyber defense and digital resilience.

We are ready to provide the best experts with proven knowledge, experience and relevant skills.

NLC specialists perform a comprehensive audit of information systems, including verification of compliance with all requirements established by legislation, company owner or international standards.


Entrust your security to professionals!

We implement a comprehensive approach through management and technical tools with minimal effort and maximum benefit.

Based on the results of risk assessment, we will make specific recommendations aimed at reducing possible damage or negative impact on infrastructure/technology/products/services, protect against sabotage, fraud, abuse.

You will have complete confidence in your cybersecurity compliance with national or international standards, access to best-in-class cybersecurity and digital resilience services.

Based on the results of the cyber audit, we will provide recommendations on the development of necessary documentation, data and information processing and storage processes, and assist in setting up the necessary processes and procedures within the company that comply with international best practices for digital resilience.

Enhance your security with us and take advantage of our expert and practical experience in this area.


In the "learn more" output:

- An IT audit is conducted according to an audit assignment, which can be formulated with respect to the entire company and its information infrastructure as a whole, or only with respect to some of its individual components: the IT or IS department, the software development process, the processes of operation, procurement and development of IT infrastructure, a specific information system.

- IT audit can be conducted in the form of an independent assessment of the efficiency of implementation or development of IT solutions in order to determine whether the work performed by IT specialists, programmers and developers, or purchased software and hardware complexes meet the requirements of the terms of reference, the company's expectations and the amount of money spent.

- IT audit is possible with reasonable assistance from the company-customer: providing access to the premises for processing and storage of information, providing the necessary documentation in paper or electronic form, assistance in organizing work with employees for interviews and other audit procedures, and connection to the local computer network.


We will also be happy to share our own unique experience and professional knowledge with those wishing to improve their skills in cybersecurity and are ready to offer our clients specialized trainings with a flexible form of education in various formats - individual, group, offline and online classes.

The training format and program can be tailored to the customer's needs, including corporate training of employees with the necessary cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

Up-to-date training materials with an emphasis on practical exercises that simulate real cyberattack scenarios are developed by practical experts who regularly participate in IS audits and incident investigations.

Submit an application

 (and here again the button

and a form of request for trainings or connections with specialists who will work on the request should be "dumped")



We conduct comprehensive cybersecurity audit, IT audits


Collect digital evidence and reconstruct a picture of a cyber incident/attack (unauthorized access, data deletion/modification, intrusion and malware infection detection).


We upgrade the skills of specialists, train the client's team in basic cyber hygiene and cyber security skills

We will help our clients

Identify and remediate vulnerabilities in processes and technologies
Improve cybersecurity management systems

Prevent leaks
Improve the digital resilience of infrastructure, systems and the company as a whole
Investigate cyber incidents
Increase staff awareness of risks and threats
Adjust the entire cycle - from supply chain to implementation of IT solutions - to the company's expectations and the amount of money spent.
About Us

Our company - National Legal Corporation (hereinafter - NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law.

Contact Info

National Law Corporation (NLC)

79 Ryskulova str.-B 3rd Floor Office No.13

720001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Phone number: +996 312 54 04 40; +996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg

Copyright c 2022 All rights reserved by NLC