+996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg


NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the legal sphere.

Professional legal defense

The Corporation renders services on representation of interests of legal entities and individuals in courts. The services are a set of legal services aimed at achieving the results set by the client in resolving civil, criminal, economic and other disputes in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts

Participation in litigation is an important component of the Corporation's activities and covers all categories of commercial disputes, criminal cases against individuals, as well as the resolution of disputes during elections to various levels of government.

The Corporation's lawyers have participated in more than 10 thousand lawsuits during the period of their activity, and the decisions in favor of the clients' interests are more than 90 percent.

Lawyers of the Corporation represented in court the interests of more than 20 candidates for deputies to the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic during the election campaign. The Corporation represented in court the interests of media editors and journalists in connection with claims of state authorities to close down media, protection of honor and dignity and compensation for moral damage.

About Us

Our company - National Legal Corporation (hereinafter - NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law.

Contact Info

National Law Corporation (NLC)

79 Ryskulova str.-B 3rd Floor Office No.13

720001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Phone number: +996 312 54 04 40; +996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg

Copyright c 2022 All rights reserved by NLC