+996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg


NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the legal sphere.

Stakeholder Maps

We identify, classify and prioritize key stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, industry experts, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and academic institutions, to develop targeted and effective engagement strategies. We strategically assess opinion leaders and other stakeholders, engage with them on their interests, and propose an action plan to address common challenges.


Consultants are represented in working groups and advisory and consultative bodies of public authorities both in the region and in interstate institutions of Central Asia and EAEU countries. The consultants work on a voluntary basis to maintain an appropriate level of communication with stakeholders.

About Us

Our company - National Legal Corporation (hereinafter - NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law.

Contact Info

National Law Corporation (NLC)

79 Ryskulova str.-B 3rd Floor Office No.13

720001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Phone number: +996 312 54 04 40; +996 770 700 300

Mail: inbox@dlaw.kg

Copyright c 2022 All rights reserved by NLC