NLC is one of the most advanced expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS providing legal services in the field of innovation, implementation of digital technologies, digital transformation, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the legal sphere.
The Corporation has developed a special program of legal support for citizens "Your Lawyer". The program is built on the principle of benefit of receiving by the Program clients guaranteed legal assistance at any time and within the territory stipulated in the contract.
The Corporation has developed a special program of legal support for citizens "Your Lawyer". The program is built on the principle of benefit of receiving by the clients of the Program of guaranteed legal assistance at any time and within the territory specified in the contract.
Representation of interests of an individual is one of the most demanded legal services in modern society. This is due to the fact that human life activity is multifaceted. Man in the course of his life continuously interacts with other citizens and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, being in legal relations: labor, family, housing, land, property, credit, insurance, in the field of intellectual property and so on. These legal relations are regulated by an array of laws and other normative legal acts. In the process of realization by citizens of their rights, situations may arise in the form of misunderstanding and disputes with other participants of legal relations: citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities.
Самостоятельное же разрешение данных вопросов без обладания необходимыми знаниями и навыками, зачастую влечет за собой значительные денежные и временные затраты.
В рамках программы корпорации «Твой адвокат» предлагаются юридические услуги гражданам, в целях защиты их прав и интересов, на основе абоненткой платы, которые включает на постоянной основе доступ к следующим юридическим услугам:
· устную консультацию либо оформленную в письменном виде со ссылкой на законы и иные правовые акты;
· приведение в соответствие с требованиями законодательства всех правоустанавливающих документов клиента;
· подготовка и составление документов, необходимых для обжалования деяний, решений государственных органов;
· правовой аудит личных документов;
текст заголовок
Our company - National Legal Corporation (hereinafter - NLC) has been operating since 1998 and consists of the best lawyers with many years of experience in various areas of law.
National Law Corporation (NLC)
79 Ryskulova str.-B 3rd Floor Office No.13
720001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone number: +996 312 54 04 40; +996 770 700 300
Copyright c 2022 All rights reserved by NLC